Fact Checking Turkey

صورة Fact Checking Turkey

Latest posts from Fact Checking Turkey


Claim: Kurds most effective anti-Assad fighters

On 14 September 2016, an article was published in The Huffington Post in which it was claimed that Kurdish militants are the most effective fighte

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Does Turkey arrest “defenders of democracy”?

On 11 September 2016, an open letter signed by Nobel Prize-winning authors Orhan Pamuk and J.M.

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Claim: All political parties united to oppose 15 July coup attempt

The Peoples' Democratic Party's (HDP) co-chair Figen Yuksekdag penned an article for Newsweek in which she claimed that all political parties united to oppo

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Why did Turkey replace 28 mayors with trustees?

On 11 September 2016, Turkey's Interior Ministry announced that the government replaced 28 mayors with state-appointed trustees as part of its fight against both the Kurdistan Work

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هل لوموند محقة عن المدارس الدينية في تركيا؟

نشرت الصحيفة الفرنسية لوموند مقالا عن مدارس الإمام خطيب في تركيا في 1 سبتمبر عام ٢٠١٦, وصفت فيه المدارس بانها ’’ما يسمى بالمدارس الدينية التي تدرب أئمة المساجد."

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Why is Turkey at war with the PKK?

On 29 August 2016, an article was published in The Wall Street Journal in which it was claimed that the ceasefire between the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Wo

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When are public employees suspended or fired for belonging to FETO?

On 15 July 2016, a failed coup attempt in Turkey left 241 people dead while 1,540 people were wounded.

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