Pashinyan ignores the UN resolutions

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Pashinyan ignores the UN resolutions

2020-10-08 02:25 BST

Daily Mail reported that the Armenian PM blamed on Turkey and Azerbaijan without mentioning UN Security Council’s resolutions in the interview.

Pashinyan ignores the UN resolutions

Daily Mail reported that the Armenian PM blamed on Turkey and Azerbaijan without mentioning UN Security Council’s resolutions in the interview.

Even in the article Nagorno-Karabakh defined as “…the lands which under international law belongs to Azerbaijan…” Pashinyan contradicted inappropriately to the UN resolutions with his words.

According to the news, Pashinyan has accused Turkey of 'international terrorism' by attacking Armenian lands, transporting mercenaries from Syria to support Azerbaijan, reinstating its empire and continue “genocide”.

But the post-soviet developments denies what Armenian PM tried to prove.  According to Security Council resolutions No: 822, No: 853, No: 874 and No: 884, the UN;1- Reaffirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaijani Republic,2- Expresses in particular its grave concern at the displacement of large numbers of civilians in the Azerbaijani Republic,3- Demands the withdrawal of occupying Armenian forces from other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Despite the fact that the resolutions clearly asked Armenia to urgently withdraw its troops from Nagorno-Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan, Armenia have been occupying Nagorno-Karabakh since 30 years. According to the UN reports more than 1 million Azeri people forced to migrate their own land in Nagorno-Karabakh. And still Armenia have been trying to extend the invaded area by violating the ceasefire term by term.

Therefore, the UN resolutions clearly tell us that the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is an occupation other than a conflict. Moreover, Nagorno-Karabakh is not in the border of the two countries but in the middle of Azerbaijan geographically where Azeri cities are neighbouring around it. Roughly 15 % of the Azeri lands are under the occupation of Armenian forces.